zaterdag 17 maart 2012

dew drops

you don't need a special lens on your iPhone to make fantastic close-ups
the tap-to-focus feature lets you capture the most intricate details

i am fascinated by the way dewdrops clinging to a leaf or branch mirror the world upside down
i can just sit and stare at them for ages before taking the first shot

3 opmerkingen:

  1. Two things I don't understand: 1) How you took such amazing photos with a phone and 2) Why no one has logged on here to tell you how great these shots are. Seriously—wow!

    1. thank you so much for your comment, alexa! i don't advertise my blog much, so that's probably why not many people know about it.
      let's hope that will change in the future....:-) it is really nice to get this kind of feedback

  2. De spinneweb foto's, werkelijk grandioos.
